About Us

 Texas Tree Farms, LLC is locally owned based in Waxahachie, Ellis County, Texas.   
A large part of Texas Tree Farms mission is to give back by supporting schools, helping local communities with tree education and by increasing communities and parks tree canopies. Trees do so much for us, we need to help spread their roots.
At our tree farms we grow locally and manage over 100,000 trees with varieties of Texas Native, Texas adapted trees, Crape Myrtles, Bur Oak, Live Oak, Cedar Elm, Red Oak, Hollies, Pecan, Fruit trees, Herbs, Magnolia and so much more.
Texas Tree Farms + Garden Center
3150 US 287, Waxahachie, TX 75165
We are conveniently located 30 miles South of Dallas/Fort Worth and 12 miles from I-45 and while only being 8 miles from I-35E.
Delivery and pickup available
Phone: (214) 450-5105 
Business hours: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm Monday-Saturday
Email: info@texastreefarms.com
Contact us through call, text, or email. If we miss your phone call, please allow us a short time to get back with you. We are usually around during posted hours, however, our response may be delayed, because we are most likely caring for the trees, digging (playing in the dirt), or meeting with other customers.
If you’d like to send us an email or text, we respond this way too OR you can send us a message.