Wax Myrtle Dwarf

Wax Myrtle Dwarf
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Scientific Name: Myrica pusilla
Plant Habit or Use: small shrub to medium shrub
Exposure: sun, partial sun, shade
Flower Color: yellow, tan
Blooming Period: spring winter
Height: 3 to 6 feet
Width: 3 to 6 feet, thicket-forming
Plant Character: evergreen
Heat Tolerance: high
Water Requirements: Medium
Soil Requirements: adaptable
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7
Dwarf wax myrtle has become a mainstay in many Texas landscapes, valued for its aromatic, soft, evergreen foliage, 5- to 6-foot height and spread, and adaptability to full sun or bright shade and a variety of soils, ranging from boggy to very dry. Its native habitat features moist or dry sandy pine-hardwoods in East Texas, east to Louisiana, Florida and North Carolina, north to Arkansas and Delaware. It is very similar to Myrica cerifera, southern wax myrtle, and is considered by some botanists to be merely a dwarf variety of it. Dwarf wax myrtle would be useful for erosion control. In a landscape this suckering will produce ever thicker, fuller, denser growth, or may be curtailed by pruning or mowing. The fine-textured foliage makes an excellent pruned hedge, or the plant may be limbed up to make an attractive specimen. New spring growth produces a bayberry scent which is evident on bruised leaves throughout the year. Dwarf wax myrtle is sensitive to cold or below-freezing winds which may defoliate or cause severely browned leaves. The brittle branches are also subject to splitting or breaking under ice or snow loads, but are very tolerant of salt spray. Deer resistant.